Annotated Swadesh wordlists for the Rashad group (Kordofanian family).

Languages included: Tagoi [ras-tag]; Orig [ras-ori]; Tagom [ras-tgm].


Muratori 1979 = Schadeberg, Thilo; Philip Elias. 1979. A Description of the Orig Language (Southern Kordofan). Based on the Notes of Fr. Carlo Muratori. Tervuren: Musée Royal de l'Afrique Centrale. // A small grammatical description and mid-size vocabulary of the Turjok ("Orig") language, compiled by the authors based on unpublished fieldnotes of Carlo Muratori, collected in the 1950s.

Schadeberg 2013 = Schadeberg, Thilo. 2013. Rashad survey data. In: Thilo C. Schadeberg and Roger M. Blench (eds.). Nuba Mountain Language Studies: 325-346. Köln: Rüdiger Köppe Verlag. // Lists of basic lexicon for three Rashad languages, personally collected by the author. Also includes rudimentary notes on grammar (noun classes, pronouns, etc.).


1. General.

The Rashad languages, spoken in the Northeast region of the Nuba Mountains, consist of two dialect clusters: Tegali and Tagoi. Due to lack of quality data, it is currently impossible to understand how many languages / dialects there are altogether. The only set of comparative data has been published as [Schadeberg 2013], where the Tegali cluster is represented by the Tagom (= Togom, Kom, Rashad proper) dialect; and the Tagoi cluster is represented by Tagoi proper and Turjok. Data on Turjok largely coincide with earlier data collected by Carlo Muratori and published as [Muratori 1979] (in Muratori's notes, this dialect bears the name "Orig"). Data on other Rashad dialects (Tegali; Tumale; Moreb) are largely restricted to very small wordlists published by various researchers (Werner Munzinger, Carl Meinhof, etc.) in the 19th and early 20th centuries. They are insufficient to produce reliable and complete Swadesh-type wordlists. (It must, however, be stressed that the results of Schadeberg's quick surveys are not completely reliable either).

The present wordlists have to rely almost exclusively on Schadeberg's data; for Turjok, however, we also quote the corresponding entries from [Muratori 1979] whenever possible.

2. Transliteration.

All the entries in [Schadeberg 2013] are given in the original, largely IPA-compliant, transcription, with the usual minor cosmetic adaptations for UTS (c > ɕ, j > ʓ). As is typical of Schadeberg's Kordofanian notations, he expressly marks high tone (, etc.) but leaves low tone unmarked; we use the gravis sign (, etc.) in all cases of alleged low tone.

Database compiled and annotated by: G. Starostin (last update: February 2018).